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في تصنيف التعليم بواسطة (454ألف نقاط)
قصة عن الصديق بالانجليزي مهمة ادائية

Dear My friend

Don't worry about anything and it is going to pass. Everyone has it at least once. I .would give you many pieces of advice that could help you

First, don't think negatively and try to see everything positively. Second, don't care at all about others' opinions and be confident about yourself. Third, keep searching for new friends and don't give up. Also, you could make many parties and invite other students till many people come. Finally, you should join any club that .you like such as the running club and you would meet many people there

.I hope that these advice would help you in your problem

My wishes Jood


اسمك الذي سيظهر (اختياري):
نحن نحرص على خصوصيتك: هذا العنوان البريدي لن يتم استخدامه لغير إرسال التنبيهات.

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بواسطة (454ألف نقاط)
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قصة عن الصديق بالانجليزي مهمة ادائية

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