Choose the correct answer to complete the song. My brother Richard to the cupboard to find something to eat. But when he there, the cupboard bare, and so he nothing to .eat?
went got was had
went had was - got
was got went - had
يعتبر التعليم في المملكة العربية السعودية من أرقى انواع التعليم على مستوى المنطقة العربية ككل ولذلك حرصنا على تقديم المساعدة لجميع الطلاب في موقعنا هذا موقع جواب المعلم .
يمكنكم طرح اسئلتكم على شكل اسئلة او تعليقات وسنجيب عنها في اسرع وقت ممكن .
أما حل سؤالكم :
Choose the correct answer to complete the song. My brother Richard to the cupboard to find something to eat. But when he there, the cupboard bare, and so he nothing to .eat?
الاجابة الصحيحة هي :
went got was had