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في تصنيف التعليم بواسطة (454ألف نقاط)
اكتب عن عطلة احتفال في بلدك

Write about a holiday celebration in your country include: the date, the clothing, the food, and special events or traditional practices. Uise vocabulary from the word search and ideas hom this unit

One of the most important holidays and events in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is Eid Al-Fitr takes place on the 1st of the month of Shawwal of each year. Muslims all over the world celebrate it as if it was a reward from God for them for their fasting from food and their commitment to that for a whole month. In it, men wear traditional thobes and shomaghs, belonging to the ancient kingdom's heritage. The women are adorned with henna and beautiful dresses.

As for the food, it is by eating dates after the dawn prayer, and the sacrifices with the Kabsah after the noon prayer. These days are marked by family gatherings and picnics around cities and malls.


اسمك الذي سيظهر (اختياري):
نحن نحرص على خصوصيتك: هذا العنوان البريدي لن يتم استخدامه لغير إرسال التنبيهات.

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بواسطة (454ألف نقاط)
اكتب عن عطلة احتفال في Write about a holiday celebration in your country include: the date, the clothing, the food, and special events or traditional practices

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1 إجابة
سُئل يونيو 3، 2023 في تصنيف ثقافية بواسطة جواب المعلم (454ألف نقاط)
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1 إجابة
سُئل نوفمبر 1، 2023 في تصنيف ثقافية بواسطة رتيل (531ألف نقاط)